Friday 11 March 2011

Spare a prayer for Japan.

March 11th 2011
Today Japan has been struck by the most powerful earthquake to date. Within minutes twitter was receiving over 1200 tweets per minute from horrified people in Japan witnessing the tragedy. The earth quake struck the north-east coast causing a devasting tsunami. The quake, measuring to 8.9 magnitude has resulted in a current death toll of 200-300 bodies reported found, so far. 
I cant even begin to imagine the absolute horror of loosing everything you are familiar with and it being replaced with the aspect of death. Transport and buildings were literally swept away by "a wall of water" rising to over 10m high. Parts of the pacific and in the Philippines have been evacuated ahead of the Tsunami's expected arrival.
Whether your buddhist, jewish, COE, or even atheist, lets put our hands together and our heads bowed and spare a prayer for the safety of our friends, relatives and simply, the human race in Japan. Imagine its our life's in danger, our homes, our families, its our world.
With so many earthquakes, tsunamis, natural disasters hitting our screens, we never know how long it is until its us, or someone we love who gets affected. 
Live every day to the full and make full of everyday.

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