Saturday 5 March 2011


So I have taken the spirit of March to a whole new level, something that I have never yet set my mind to, or even  taken pleasure in thinking about. This level is, Exercise.

I wondered why there was a clear division between those who enjoy a good workout and those who turn at the mere thought of it. I set myself a challenge to exercise for an hour every night, simply by using modern technology. Wii Fit is a simple program used via Wii which leads you through different stretches, exercise techniques, aerobics, yoga and even times you whilst you pop out for a jog. It is a great method of keeping a record of the exercise you have done and even informs you of your daily Wii Fit age, BMI and your weight. 

Using the Wii fit board you can set yourself a goal of the weight you would like to loose/gain and the program schedules you a routine to help you reach this target weight by your target time. Updates will be recorded but this is definitely one to invest in, as it strives to make the "E word" fun.

"As a game made to appeal to the casual crowd Wii Fit easily tops Nintendo’s other efforts. Once you put the disc in you are ready to go straight away with no typical gaming start screen popping up at all. From there you are asked to select your favorite Mii and then enter your DOB and height. Then you move onto the core of the game, step up onto the Wii Board for the first time and take a Body Test. After a few seconds your height, weight and birth date will be combined and you’ll be told if you’re Underweight, Ideal, Overweight or Obese."

Buy yours now:

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