Bethany Anne

Hello there,
So here is where I chatter on about how tall I am, the colors of my features and what I ate for breakfast. Instead, I will give a short but sweet summary of myself and like a true geek I will do this in the style of an interview. Yes, with myself.

A little bit about yourself (myself)?
I am seventeen years old, I am in my final year of education at a local Sixth Form. I am studying Drama, Photography and Media. I am striving to be in the television industry. My first love is acting, to be on screen would be out of this world. I am also interested in Presenting. I will try and achieve these dreams, but if all else fails, I will either join a nunnery or become a fire fighter (Which would be dangerous as im a self confessed pyro.)

I enjoy new sounds from artists such as Adele, Mumford and Sons, The XX, Kings of Leon, Blood Red Shoes, Beady Eye, Band of horses, Two door cinema Club, Vampire weekend and genuinely anything played on XFM. My guilty music interests also stretch as far as Tinie Tempah and a little bit of Rhianna, but nowhere as far as the B word. (First name Justin) New music aside, the most inspirational artists to me are the ones which were around when I was nothing more than a sparkle in my fathers eye, and a tear in my mams. I am extremely into The Beatles, Blondie, ACDC, Michael Jackson, The Rolling stones and so on. I believe that these musical legends were the birth and death of music, back in the day where musicians could actually play instruments and auto-tuning was nothing more than an idea in an intellectual guys mind.

A few friends and I have recently put together a 3 piece girl band, known by the name of La Belles we are now aware that this name means "The Beautifuls" and I can promise you that we weren't aware of this when we chose it, just enjoyed the ring to it and have now grown too attached to the vain sounding title. The trio band consists of myself, Lucina Nash and Becky Fielding. I have been best friends with these nuts for years and couldn't think of anyone better to sing, and generally go crazy with. We rehearse up to 3 times a week which probably doesn't sound overly dedicated but with full time education and jobs on the roll, we are doing pretty good. We each play guitars but with different styles. I enjoy rhythm, Nash enjoys experimenting and Fielding is our plucker. The three of us take a crack at singing but we sound best when my vocals hide behind the other twos, a shot of confidence and they are "pucker". Small acoustic gigs are our first hope at being successful, even in our own community, after that we will have to wait and see. For now, its just a general good jam.

My favorite past time is films. From horror to comedy, romance to action, I will watch them all. In the spirit of being a geeky kid, alongside my two best friends, Nash and Budd we purchased Cineworld Cinema Cards. This meaning we can go to the cinema as many times as we like to see whatever films we like. It really was a good buy and we tend to go every week 1-4 times. Well, Budd and myself do. Nash has been permanently banned from purchasing a cinema card because she spent all her money on chained weeks buying clothes, therefore got into debt with Cineworld and her card was cut. Only Nash, eh. My favorite film of all time, as all my contacts know, is 300 staring the very gorgeous, very talented Gerard Butler. The style of the film, the story line, the cast and the editing is fashionably exquisite. I have seen it countless times and know it word perfect, if you haven't seen it, then I strongly recommend that you do. The only sort of film I refuse to sit through, are the ones which revolve around talking animals. Don't get me wrong animals are alright, I just cant appreciate a cute little kitten with a deep voice. It just doesn't work.

I am quite well known for my peculiar taste in men. Sometimes I cant quite understand myself why the attraction is there, but when it is, you cant fight it. I appreciate the beauty in stars such as Aaron Johnson, Alex Pettyfer, George Clooney etc but I also stretch as far as Simon Cowell, John and Edward, Alan Sugar, Jeremy Kyle, and even Voldemort. If you struggle to come to terms with the last one, then I suggest you imdb him, then appreciate my eye for beauty.

TEN interesting facts about Bethany Anne:
1- I am a vegetarian 2- I wear many Rings 3- I play guitar, ukelele and I can tap my knees to a beat 4- I have 2 and a half siblings 5- My door is more busy than my diary 6- I own 10 too many stripy tops 7- I always have my thumbs painted a different color to the other nails 8- my ipod owns 2 hats and a hoody 9- I love spartans 10- I have the maddest most wonderful friends.