Wednesday 16 February 2011

A Day at the Mayfair Hotel

Word got out that a particular pair of twins were staying in a particular hotel and arriving on a sunday morning. My good friend Fielding fed me the information and without much doubt we were on our way to London via train and tube and arrived for what we didn't realize was going to be such a long day, including alot of waiting

Here is a little schedule of how our day panned out:

5:30am- I recieve a wake up call from Fielding of which I hear her "yaying" down the phone at the fact that im actually awake

7:00am- Fielding is at my door and we are ready to go. Im looking like a sleepy hamster and Fielding is looking fresh and raring.

7:15am- We are at the train station waiting for our train to London Bridge

7:20am- Sitting on the relatively empty sunday morning train. Everyone is looking like a zombie whereas Fielding and myself are by this point buzzing over the possibility of meeting X Factors Jedward.

8 something AM- We are balancing on the Tube with our ipods at full volume to disguise the roaring sounds of our shared fear of the underground.

9:00am- Sitting in Starbucks in Green Park enjoying a large frappacino.

As the time drew towards 11am we made our way to the hotel front where we saw around 15 fans already waiting for the twins to arrive. We decided to wait round the corner to get first view of the taxi as it drove past. Around 3495 taxis passed, each one either empty or carrying people who didn't have hair as high as Jedward. We waited until around 12pm where we decided that if we stood in the winter winds for any longer, then we would turn blue. Blue is never a good look. The idea of sitting with by now around 30 Jedward fans strangely wasn't appealing so instead we held our heads and our breathes and walked through the doors of the Mayfair hotel. I don't know whether you have set foot inside The Mayfair hotel, but I can tell you now, it is amazing. We sat on a very appealing looking sofa in the hotel lobby and waited, and waited and waited. It is still a miracle that we didn't get removed from the hotel, but the heat was too inviting to leave. Celebrities were coming in and out of the lobby, there was a scream of flashing cameras every time "a known human" walked through the doors. 

There was however one man which neither me or Becky could resist being pictured with. The slight essex swagger, the cockney accent, the gorgeous smile. Of course, im talking about Olly Murs. I honestly cant say that my nerves often get the best of me, but as we conversed with the extremely charming and sweet natured Murs my lips couldn't stop shaking. Therefore unfortunately my expression looks as though im in pain, Fieldings picture however was far more stylish.

12:00pm- Met Olly Murs and discussed a bit of music.

17:30pm- A long stretched 6 hours later to the "quoted arrival time" Jedward arrive outside, we decided to stay inside the hotel until they came in to avoid getting squished by over 50 Jedward fans.

17:40pm- Jedward drive off without coming into the hotel. Gutted we sit and the only thing we can do to disguise our stress was to laugh it off. We go to starbucks and stay in til closing time choosing our next steps.

21:00pm- Starbucks closes so we take our teas and head to outside the hotel, we heard rumors that Jedward were going to make their way back after appearing on Dancing on ice to support their friend, Vanilla Ice.

23:00pm- Jedward arrive outside the hotel and rush over to see their fans! They spend the next 10 minutes talking to around 15 of us, taking pictures and giving "Jed Hugs" Fielding and myself were the lucky pair to get a picture with both of them as John walked through the crowd, grabbed his brother, passed our camera to a fan and posed. We were 2 very happy girls, as Im sure you can imagine.

12:30pm- Sitting in Camden Barfly just in time to see the departure of Funeral Party and recollect the evenings events.

Yes I do realize I have the most ridiculous expression in all of these images, please excuse my face.

The birth of a blog

Okay so this is my first blog post and I was racking my brains trying to think of something remotely interesting to talk about. These blogs will be for anybody who cares enough to read them, in other words, mamma I hope you enjoy! They will follow any adventures of which happens in my day to day life this year. I promise to try and do some crazy things to make my posts that little bit more engaging, until then, enjoy.

Bethany Anne xo